- market fluctuations
- конъюнктурные колебания; колебания цен на рынке
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
market fluctuations — ➔ fluctuation … Financial and business terms
Market — Märket Märket Carte de l île de Märket. Géographie Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Märket — Carte de l île de Märket. Géographie Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Märket — Island with the unusual national border of 1985. Märket Island with t … Wikipedia
market — marketer, n. /mahr kit/, n. 1. an open place or a covered building where buyers and sellers convene for the sale of goods; a marketplace: a farmers market. 2. a store for the sale of food: a meat market. 3. a meeting of people for selling and… … Universalium
Market monetarism — The Market monetarism school of macroeconomics advocates that central banks target the level of nominal income instead of inflation, unemployment or other measures of economic activity, including in times of shocks such as the bursting of the… … Wikipedia
Market neutral — An investment strategy or portfolio is considered market neutral if it seeks to entirely avoid some form of market risk, typically by hedging. In order to evaluate market neutrality, it is first necessary to specify the risk being avoided. For… … Wikipedia
market neutral — In the context of hedge funds, a style of management that has long and short equity exposure with nearly exposure on average to fluctuations in the market. However, the on average qualification is important. The risk of the longs and the shorts… … Financial and business terms
Market Risk — The day to day potential for an investor to experience losses from fluctuations in securities prices. This risk cannot be diversified away. Also referred to as systematic risk . The beta of a stock is a measure of how much market risk a stock… … Investment dictionary
Market Trend — The general direction of overall price movements in a market, ignoring short term fluctuations … Financial and business terms
Manhattan Rental Market Report — The Manhattan Rental Market Report is a monthly report that tracks the average rental prices of apartments in the residential real estate market of Manhattan, New York. It is currently the only report that compares fluctuations in Manhattan rents … Wikipedia